Fraction InterAction 22.02.2020
12 performers 12 hour performance
Venue: Christopher Egelund Gallery Copenhagen
Photographer: Jens Astrup
Identity Check photos by Jens Astrup and Lone Skovgaard
Ink on window solo piece 12 hours
As the visitors entered the gallery space, they were asked to leave a print of their right hand thumb on the glass door.
Performers: María Kristín H. Antonsdóttir, Vilde Jensen, Lovisa Ljungberg, Sofie Markinhuhta, Malin Bengtson, Tanja Silvestrini, Greta Gillham Wright, Iivi Meltaus, Madihe Gharibi, Victoria Gouzikovski, Veslemøy Flotve, Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen
Press release by Sanna Sahlén. Download pdf